Thursday, July 20, 2006

Like my zodiac lord Gemini (or is it more like Janus?!?!) I often have two faces of my self (what a nice way to say I am two-faced!). Often we both (we me?) engage in 'deliberations' which usually need to nowhere. Why blog all this you may wonder? Ah, because I have decided that the readers of my blog need to be subjected to my eccentricities every now and then (the definition of which I decide!).

So here goes Mono-dialogue I:
"Is there a cure for humanity?"
"I don't think so. I don't really even think there's a cure for depression," came the reply. "Oh," I said, sniffing viciously as my fingers brushed my nose as a makeshift Kleenex. "That sucks."My voice squeaked.
God, I hated that. You can only wear sunglasses for so long before your tears slip past your cheeks and reveal your secrets."Because I don't really know how much longer I can deal with this," I blurted out. He hadn't asked me for any explanation. "This whole 'sadness' thing. I don't like getting angry, I don't like thinking about it. I want to push it out of my mind. And I was so good at it for so long. You could have put me in Cambodia and I would have smiled at Pol Pot. It was that easy. But it won't go away, damnit."
"You're just human," he said, plain and uncomforting.
"That's exactly the goddamn problem!"

1 comment:

quetzalcoatl said...

I'm visiting your blog for the first time....& the first post i encountered is this one .
It has reminded me of my faces(dunno how many)...anyway keep writing ...