Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The biggest problem I faced when starting this blog is what my first post should contain! Have decided that a short story (a fable of sorts) should be good enough.
Destiny and Chance have intimate discussions over green tea. Destiny jokes about how foolish people take his name in vain, much like that of God, and they laugh together. Chance whispers takes credit for 90% of the goings-on of human life, death, love, loss and discovery and says "You see what we fail to realize is that life is like a game of chess, played by two opposing forces each wanting to undo the other and come out as the victor. Instead of 'Thank God' falling from the lips of people; I would love to hear 'Thank Chance', for it is due to merely chance, that everything that happens in life. Reflect upon this story for a moment.
A boy drops his keys and stops to pick then up, in the process bumping heads with a girl picking them up for him. Their eyes meet and he stammers hello and she smiles softly and says hello in return. Two years later we see this same man/boy, nervously picking out a ring for the girl he feels has been the 'one' and he finally found her."
Chance nods her head and whispers "Yes i did that!"
Destiny muses and raises a question, "Suppose that same boy dropped his keys further along the sidewalk, thus in turn missing the girl completely. He walks on and goes about his day completely oblivious to the fact that miss right just passed him by. 2 months later on a blind date gone wrong, he smiles up at the pretty hostess and sheepishly grins, not knowingwhy but divulging the details of his date to her, she slips her number to him on the receipt. They go out hit it off and once again two years letter the scene above replays."
Destiny laces his fingers behind his head and happily sighs, breathing out and saying "See it was me all along".
Now it is chance's turn to disagree, as she changes the scenario. "A middle-aged man, the father of 3, devoutly religious, faithful to his wife of 25 years, is driving home. he stops at a stop sign and continues his daily trek towards his house. John is a heavily intoxicated person, perturbed by daily life, and convinced that 'the man' is out to get him. The man glances down to change the radio station and doesn't see the vehicle in front of him, nor does he notice the fact he is in the path of oncoming traffic, until he hears the crash. The middle-aged man dies immediately from the force of impact, his head hitting the steering wheel, while John walks away unscathed. Was it chance... or was it his destiny?" she smiles and stares up at him.
Another voice cuts in, and startles the two. "You're both wrong, it isn't chance or destiny, it was simply a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, they were victims of Circumstance." Chance and Destiny frown and say stoutly nearly in unison "I don't recall inviting you to this tea, Circumstance." He smiles a crooked, sideways smile and replies, "As in life, i just insert myself". He tips his hat and says "Good day lady and gentleman."

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